Toppy's   new   page

I got another page, and this is it, thanks for dropping by, have a bit of fun at my expence

Quick Links

Homicidal Jesus Cat
My other page
Poems and Stories
Just some stuff I wrote
The main links
My main links
Links within Tripod
A facinating man and another Aussie
Pagan Moon
A very good friend with a very nice page.
Another very good friend of mine.
Another special friend, she makes me laugh
The Church of Wolfsbane
As preached by the great Wolfie


There is a line between sanity and insanity, between genius and stupidity. The difference between having a friend over for dinner or crushing their skull in with an axe and gorging on the soft bits.

That line is Zanity and it's what keeps us all apart. So delve into my little cyber page and find out what Zanity has to offer you.

View my f*cking book

Sign the f@cking book

Hell   Street   Blues

This is little cyber adventure I have created. It contains lots of revolting fun for all the family. So if you are a fan of low grade humour, then feel free to jump in and have some fun.

Hell Street Blues

The    Insanely    Mad    Music    Bo x

Check out some certafiable tunes and be amazed at how stupidly I waste my time.

Open up the box

Also for your enjoyment
Please check out my gal's page

The number of hits to this page are , this is a great number, all praise the number.