Feel free to leave through the links bellow.....
Exit this way please
Hell Street Blues©
Your in a tuff sought of neihbourhood,
you probably even need a hand.
Lucky for you there's a Police Station nearby,
you should have no problem entering it.
All you have to do is walk over there and enter.
Walk over there and enter the police station
Get the hell out of here before it's to late
There are a few things I should tell
you before you jump in the deep end.
1>Although I have tried to avoid any foul language
and digusting direct comentary
on the nasty things that may happen to you,
it is still filled full to the brim with filthy inuendo
and rancid refrences.
If you are easily offended then piss of quickly,
there is a way out and
escape hatches can be found on your left,
so please do not hesitate to use them.
2>This is a stand alone game and should be played as such.
Although it has been inspired by similar games,
it is a pure creation form my demented TV moulded mind,
so once you enter there is no turning back.
You'll be damned if you do and damned if you don't.
3>This game is continuely getting bigger,
so even if you tire of it now,
feel free to return anytime.
4>This has all been done in jest, so feel free to enjoy yourself.
5>I consider every page on Zanity to be under copyright to me, Toppy.
Just consider that if anything catches your eye.
6>If you run into trouble, or have anything to say then
you can email me.
I've always got my ears on.
7>And remeber, be careful in there.
poor lost souls have entered before you